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Water Hardness Removal Malaysia

The Ins and Outs Of Water Hardness


As water flows from its natural source, many factors can influence its quality and composition. Factors such as temperature, pH levels mineral content play a critical role in influencing the overall water hardness. Water hardness is a major concern for many Malaysians.


Malaysian’s water supply is mainly sourced from local catchment areas, and desalinated water. As much as water undergoes excessive treatment processes before you can finally access it from the tap, the water might still have some hardness, especially due to the prevalence of various minerals.


Nearly all sources of water contain some level of hardness. Consequently, water treatment becomes necessary to render source water suitable for applications such as manufacturing processes, boiler operations and cooling towers.


Before any water hardness removal, we highly recommend doing a proper water test to make more informed decisions regarding water treatment. In this regard, you can achieve optimal quality of water for your home or business.


Water hardness removal involves reducing or eliminating the concentration of dissolved minerals, such as iron and magnesium ions, from water. Water acts as a universal solvent, capable of dissolving various substances. When soft rainwater interacts with rocks and soil, it naturally absorbs minerals like iron and magnesium carbonates, leading to increased hardness.


The primary purpose of water hardness removal is to eliminate the precipitation and build-up of hard water minerals in various equipment and piping. This scaling caused by hard water minerals can be mitigated using physical water treatment devices or, in specific cases, by employing chemical additives.


Temporary vs permanent hardness

Temporary hardness is because of dissolved bicarbonate minerals, which can be easily eliminated through boiling. On the other hand, permanent hardness is caused by the presence of dissolved sulfate and chloride minerals, which are impossible to get rid of through boiling alone.


Why remove water hardness?

Water hardness leads to the accumulation of scale in various water-carrying systems, including hot and cold-water pipes, water heaters, boiler tubes, and cooling towers. Furthermore, calcium carbonate reacts with soap and detergent, resulting in the formation of a precipitate known as "scum," which manifests as spotting on glasses and silverware. The scum leaves a conspicuous "bathtub ring." The accumulation of scale in boilers is a common cause of boiler tube failure.


The minerals present in hard water often cause limescale buildup within pipes, appliances, and fixtures, ultimately diminishing their efficiency and longevity. Additionally, hard water can impede the effectiveness of detergents and soaps, leading to decreased cleaning power and heightened water consumption.

Reverse Osmosis


RO is highly effective for water hardness removal. The method entails using a semi-permeable membrane to remove minerals and other impurities from water. In an RO system, water is forced through the semi-permeable membrane under pressure. This pressure is typically provided by a pump in the system. As water passes through the membrane, the pores effectively filter out dissolved minerals, including iron and magnesium ions, which are responsible for water hardness.


Water softener
Water softeners employ a process known as ion exchange to eliminate calcium and magnesium minerals, which are responsible for water hardness. When hard water enters the mineral tank of a water softener, it travels through a bed of spherical resin beads. These beads, typically made from polystyrene, are charged with sodium ions. As anions with a negative charge, the resin beads attract the positively charged calcium and magnesium minerals, known as cations, present in the hard water.


The opposite charges between the resin beads and mineral ions cause them to bind together. Consequently, as the hard water flows through the resin bed, the beads capture the mineral ions, removing them from the water. In this process, the sodium ions initially present on the resin beads are released. This exchange results in the removal of hardness minerals from the water, producing softened water that exits the mineral tank and is ready for office or home use.


Ready to enjoy softer, cleaner water in your home or business? Say goodbye to hard water woes with our professional water hardness removal services! Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a healthier, happier water experience.

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